Top Trumps Volcanoes Card Game
Some of the planet's most destructive natural phenomena now feature in this latest packs of Top Trumps. Created together with the STREVA Project, a group of volcanologists at the Universities of Plymouth, East Anglia and Oxford. They came up with the idea of using Top Trumps as vehicle to educate people about the devastating trail of destruction created by past eruptions and the potential havoc that might be caused by future ones.
Entertaining educational card game loved for bringing your favourite Volcanoes to life.
Play Top Trumps anytime, anywhere, with as many people as you like.
Find out the devastation potential for Etna, unpredictability of Mount St. Helens and the wow factor of Stromboli in this edition of Top Trumps - Volcanoes.
Easy-to-carry plastic case means there are no limits on gameplay.
Prepare to outsmart your opponents, discover new and exciting facts and duel your way to becoming the Top Trump.